Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability before we schedule your free consultation coaching session.
What is your purpose in doing this coaching?
Which aspects of yourself do you wish to work with during this Coaching Sessions?
Describe any fears or concerns you have in doing this Coaching session?
Briefly describe yourself.
What are your five best qualities?
What are your five biggest weaknesses?
Do people encounter the real you?
In which instances do you feel lonely?
Do you see yourself as a beautiful person?
How do you feel about your physical appearance?
Write a brief story of your life starting from your childhood.
What kind of person are you striving to become?
When do you see life as a burden and when do you see life as a blessing?
What is most important to you in life?
How are you experiencing life at this point?
If you were to die today, what would you leave the people around you with?
What is your biggest regret when looking back at your life?
List your dreams for this life.
List the things and people that make you:
When you look at yourself – your abilities, mindset, vision and confidence: How would you rate yourself out of 10, with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, in achieving your purpose and goals in life?
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