

It is one of your most powerful mental faculties. It is based on universal laws, so it’s as effective today as it was 100 years ago. And it will be just as effective 100 years from now.

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Albert Einstein

Knowledge is important. We should definitely read books (not just watch YouTube videos), study, learn new things, take online courses… But we should use that knowledge to develop our imagination. Because it is imagination that fuels your spirit and passion and urges you to follow your dreams. 

There are 2 kinds of imagination: synthetic and creative imagination. We mostly used synthetic imagination by improving existing thigs, make thigs better, create new combinations etc. Creative imagination is using this rare genius quality which draws upon universal intelligence to create something which has not been yet manifested in physical form. The first chair ever created as conceived in creative imagination, every other chair since then by using synthetic imagination. There are  ways and methods to develop both. 

Start using your imagination today to create something you want. When you are creating the vision of what you want, it doesn’t matter whether you are looking at yourself or you are seeing the scenario through your own eyes. It is critical that you look at  things as if your new vision has already taken place, even though there is no physical evidence on the outside you can perceive through your senses.  “Pretend”, see, feel, hear, smell, self-talk like you are already in possession of the good that you desire.

In case you can’t see images in your mind  or if you have trouble creating an image, write down your desire including in as much detail as you can from all of your senses. Be very specific about what you want to be, do or have. Experiencing strong positive feelings and emotions is the most powerful element of the creative process.

The famous painter Van Gogh said: “I dream my painting and then I paint my dream.”

You are the creator of your life (if you believe this or not) and your imagination is the very fabric from which every piece of your life comes together. Everything has been created twice: Before anything is manifested into existence, it is first dreamed and nourished in your imagination. 

Don’t worry about HOW you’ll manifest your desire, focus exclusively on the WHAT you desire and “paint” the picture. Most people fail because they get overwhelmed with thinking they have to figure out how they will get what they want. They immediately conclude that they have not the time, money, education etc. in any case. 

Once you’ve planted and nurtured the image, the universe will deliver the pieces of HOW to achieve your plan.  Just prepare yourself to receive by being aware of new ideas, serendipities, opportunities and events. You may wake up one morning with that fantastic new idea and wonder why you didn’t see this before, while scrolling the internet you may come across exactly that piece of information you were looking for, an old friend suddenly calls you out of the blue and delivers to you that missing puzzle you needed to advance your idea etc. 

What else should you do? 

  • Act on the thoughts and ideas that come to you. When synchronistic events occur, such as being in the right place or with the right people to move you closer to your dream, don’t ignore or dismiss the opportunities. Act on them.
  • Monitor your thoughts. As you think at least 90% the same today as you thought yesterday (as shocking as this seems) – be aware of your thoughts. As soon as you get emotionally involved with your thoughts, your thoughts attract exactly what you are dwelling upon. So even when you are not actively “imagining” , be aware of your thoughts and immediately dismiss all that are less helpful in reaching your vision by asking questions like “What’s good about it?’ or “What other way is there of looking at this?” .

Using your imagination works with focus, persistence, strong desire and action. So remember, use this process to get it working in your favour:

  1. Create a vision (or a detailed idea) of what you want in your imagination. Create a full motion picture. Visualize winning with all the details as if it were happening for real.
  2. Use your willpower to hold on to the image. Get emotionally involved in it. 
  3. Feel the feelings you would have if you already had your desire fulfilled.

To conclude with a quotation: 

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein

While there is a need for knowledge or new information – in itself it has no power. Use the mental faculty of your imagination and the process described above instead to create your own reality. 

In order to learn more about how to strengthen and use your imagination in order to fulfil your dreams, join us for our next webinar. Register here……