Are You Ready to Embrace Your True Self in 2025? 🪞
As we move forward in 2025, it’s a great moment to reflect on how we navigate our lives. Many of

What’s the mystery of time? ⌚
In our fast-paced world, time often feels like a relentless force propelling us forward. Traditionally, we’ve understood time through the

Embrace New Beginnings 🌟
As the sun sets each evening, we experience a symbolic “small death,” bidding farewell to the day’s events, challenges, and

What’s waiting for you? 🚀
As we embark on another year, I want to thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey

Who are you❔
So, who are you? You are the Observer. You are the one who watches it all—the sensations in your body,

How to manifest correctly by applying the Law of Resonance
So, if you’re ready to put the Law of Resonance into action, here’s how you can do it. We conclude

Ready to Shift Your Life with a Single Decision?
Reflect on how indecisiveness has influenced your life—consider moments when you’ve questioned what to do next. How often have you

What’s Holding You Back?
Everybody can name at least one Big Thing in life they’ve really wanted, but never actually gone for. What’s yours?

Let’s talk about money Part 2
There are really THREE AMOUNTS OF MONEY every person should decide upon: The YEARLY INCOME one wants to earn now—

Let’s talk about money Part 1
Let’s talk about money (based on a talk from B. Procter) Men and women have been concerned about money since

What is Happiness?
What is Happiness? Through everything I have learnt, and trust me, it is a lot; I boldly believe that Happiness is

Rules for being human
The following is written by an unknown author, however, it contains some timeless jewels of information that are worth passing

The filter to Your Reality
The filter to YOUR reality. If you can think of it, you might just get it. If you can see

IMAGINATION It is one of your most powerful mental faculties. It is based on universal laws, so it’s as effective

You know what to do and still don’t do it
Falk Winter has featured in a WORD magazine. He wrote an article about knowing what to do and still not

Focus on the ends rather than the means
(from You2 by Price Pritchett) Focus on the ends rather than the means. Before you go running off to what

What is Attitude?
What is attitude ? Attitude is one of the most commonly used and yet most misunderstood words in the English

A Sure System For Radical Personal Transformation
If you want something MORE OUT OF LIFE, but aren’t sure what it is… If you’ve tried to make CHANGES

10 Principles that Will Change Your Life
By Bill Harris What you believe has a powerful effect on your life. Your beliefs, including those you are not

What Does Success Mean To You in 2022?
I have been thinking a lot recently about what success in Transformation Coaching means to me in 2022. It is

This made me laugh out loud
Yesterday, I came across a funny cartoon on the internet that I thought I would share with you. I really

How to Manage Anxiety & Depression
How to manage anxiety & depression. A lot of my clients face bouts of anxiety and depression right now. We

Top 3 Myths about Anger busted
3 Anger Myths busted Below you will find 3 frequently held opinions regarding anger, what they really mean and what

What’s the secret to creating a happy life?
What’s the secret to creating a happy life? It’s your ENTHUSIASM – in all that you do. What is Enthusiasm?

What to do in uncertain times?
What to do in uncertain times? Would you like to feel at ease and able to cope with your current challenges? Would you like

Believe in Your Ability to Succeed
Believe in Your Ability to Succeed. Nothing contributes to a positive self-image quite like competence. One who seems uncertain of

8 Powerful steps on how to set and formulate goals
8 Powerful steps on how to set and formulate goals. I hope you are getting ready for this special season.

Why would I have never considered life coaching
My story: Why would I have never considered life coaching and became a Life Coach myself? I am with you.

How to program your mind
Learn more on how to program your mind by watch this 5 min video. To make an appointment with me

How to properly use your mind (Part I)
Life Transformation Coaching The major question is: What do you want? That’s the most important decision in your life. What

Why are the people not happy who think positive thoughts constantly?
It does not work like this. Happiness is not something to happen to me, it is something I achieve by being and