Falk Winter

Embrace New Beginnings 🌟

As the sun sets each evening, we experience a symbolic “small death,” bidding farewell to the day’s events, challenges, and triumphs. This nightly closure paves the way for a fresh start each morning—like a blank canvas awaiting the powerful strokes of your intentions and actions. In various cultures and philosophies, this cycle mirrors the eternal […]

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Who are you❔

So, who are you? You are the Observer. You are the one who watches it all—the sensations in your body, the thoughts in your mind, and the emotions that arise. You are the consciousness, the awareness, the eternal energy, or what some might call the Intelligence, the One, God, or the Lord. Whatever name resonates

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What is Happiness?

What is Happiness?  Through everything I have learnt, and trust me, it is a lot; I boldly believe that Happiness is a Choice. Happiness is also something you work for – every single day!  My Journey started with the quest to find Happiness. I discovered that many things would give me Happiness, but it did not

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Rules for being human

The following is written by an unknown author, however, it contains some timeless jewels of information that are worth passing on. It is titled, ‘Rules For Being Human.   You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it but it will be yours this time around. You will learn lessons. You are

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