How to properly use your mind (Part I)

Life Transformation Coaching The major question is: What do you want?   That’s the most important decision in your life. What do you want? Do you want to be better in your career, in your job, in your own business? Do you want to get rich, be a better family person or more respected in your community? Do you want to help the underprivileged or create a piece of art?

  • All you have to do to plant that seed, care for it, work for it steadily  – it will work and grow. It’s a LAW, additionally, you see in your mind already having have achieved this goal, doing all the things you will be doing when you have reached your goal  ..
  • Illness, misfortune, accidents etc. – each thing we bring upon ourselves through our wrong thinking. Everyone is the sum total of his / her own thinking. What we think about the future will be our lives for tomorrow.
  • When you are guided by your mind, you are in the driver’s seat. It’s a 2 way sword – it can bring you happiness, success, all you have ever dreamt of or that very same law can bring you into the gutters. It always works for good or bad.
  • This is the strangest secret – control your mind   – although it’s not a secret. It is open, still, only a few people know and even fewer do it. Ask people about it, it’s enormously valuable if you would use it and apply it. Your life would be an ecstatic adventure, you would do a job you like, get out of bed and enjoy it. Shouldn’t we make our time here on earth an exciting adventure?
  • It will completely change your life for the better, because for every action is a reaction  – we can achieve noting without effort. It works like the laws of physics. We must be willing to pay the price and do the work.
  • Realize that our limitations are self-imposed, rise above narrow minded pettiness, prejudice.
  • Think positively about your own problems, set a definite goal that your mind can think about it from every angle, set your imagination free. Your sub -consciousness will look for many different solutions.
  • Write on a card what you want: to make a specific amount of money, have a certain position, a harmonious family etc. Set the goal clearly defined, look at it several times during the day, at least in the morning and evening.  You must become what you think – so it will materialize. The card is very important , on the one side the goal, on the other side a positive affirmation, prayer or gratitude statement.
  • Refuse to believe that any circumstances are sufficiently strong to refute you from the accomplishment of your purpose. Never give up, never give in.
  • ACTION – ideas are worthless without action. Act promptly and decisively.
  • Act as though it were impossible to fail, give off yourself more than you ever have. You will receive in direct proportion the return.