You never have a problem if you are in the NOW. Here is an important lesson I’ve learned from this funny cartoon, which actually has some element of truth to it…
We like to inquire, to know, to learn new things, to acquire new information, especially when it concerns us personally. What can be more exciting than knowing how your future will (might) be? How exciting!
Or possibly, we can find clues in our “past lives” which offer ideas, insights, and reasons for the current challenges we face.
This of course is based on our conscious mind’s inability (and stern refusal) to live in the NOW. That’s not what it is designed to do. Your mind is a 2 million-year-old device, not designed to make you happy but to avoid danger and keep you SAFE.
Therefore, it is constantly looking out for danger (future) or guilt/regrets/lessons (from your past). The tiger (danger) from the past becomes the unpaid bill (worry) of today.
In order to break this cycle, come back more often during the day to the NOW, to the present moment. You never have a problem if you are in the NOW. Test it: focus intensely on your breath and how it enters and exits your nostrils.
Do this for a few seconds with utmost concentration and tell me: What problem do you have? You cannot name it while focusing on the breath. You are back in the NOW, the only time there ever is.
Past and future ONLY exist in your head. The more often you come back to the present moment during any day, also through other techniques like meditation, the more you will attract solutions to whatever challenge you might face right now.
It comes then out of the situation, not from your “thinking”, talking mind, your ego. You will find these solutions, ideas, inspiration, insights, intuition, and hunches…much more powerful for you to deal effectively with whatever you are facing right now.
Interesting, right?
I hope that you had a good chuckle!
If the cartoon was not funny to you, I’m sorry. I’ll try again!
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