I have been thinking a lot recently about what success in Transformation Coaching means to me in 2022.
It is one thing to be great at Coaching and be successful in the world’s eyes, it is another to actually feel successful and fulfilled.
Recently, I took some time off to think about what success in Transformation Coaching would really mean to me. I then talked to a couple of close people to learn more about their definition of success… I realized that everyone’s definition of success is SO vastly different!
For me, it would be:
– helping as many people as possible get rid of their anger or depression issues
– helping as many people as possible make courageous decisions regarding their life and start acting on them
– making people realize and experience that they actually can create THEIR reality
– earning an income which enables me to do whatever I want whenever and wherever I want it by ensuring constant personal growth
– having a balanced life and continuously living what I am teaching
– working with inspiring people globally who are specialists in their fields and deepening my understanding of how to reprogram ourselves
I would be feeling:
– like jumping out of bed every day full of energy, being glad to be alive and starting a new day
– full of enthusiasm tacking any challenge coming my way, actually welcoming any new challenge
– as it tells me how much I have grown (or not)- close to nature and enriched by its beauty and perfection every day
– inspired and challenged by like-minded people, ready to learn and apply new things
– at peace, knowing the impermanence of all things and the importance of living in the moment- happy which comes from the joy of my clients realising their own huge potential to create the life they desire
Wow, thank you for listening to me. It’s quite therapeutic to write down what success will look like, I must say!
What about you?
What does success mean to you? I’m all ears!
By the way, if you want to achieve more success in life and get further, my next Productivity Club will be starting next week Tuesday (10th August)
Click the button below to discover more: